Steam Account Creator Bot
Posted on
- setkeydelay75
- gui,destroy
- CharList = a,b,c,d,e,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,r,s,t,u,v,w,x,y,z
- str =
- {random, pick,1,%CharArray0%
- str =%str%%item%
- Gui,Add,edit, x5 y5 w90 h22 vahkname, a%str%
- Gui,Add,edit, x5 y28 w120 vahkpass,%str%
- Gui,Add,edit, x5 y50 w120 vahkmail,
- Gui,Add,edit, x5 y72 w120 vahksecret, secret question
- Gui,Add,Button, x90 y96 w32 h20, quit
- return
- exitapp
- gui,destroy
- return
- gui,submit, nohide
- process, close, steam.exe
- filedelete, C:SteamconfigSteamAppData.vdf
- sleep,100
- send,{enter}
- send,{enter}
- send,{enter}
- send,%ahkname%{tab}
- send,%ahkpass%{tab}
- send,%ahkpass%
- PixelSearch, Px, Py,42,42,333,333, 0x8c6d4d,3, Fast
- goto cont
- sleep,1000
- cont:
- sleep,200
- send,%ahkmail%{tab}
- send,%ahkmail%
- send,{enter}
- winwaitclose, Steam - working
- send,{downarrow}
- send,{tab}
- send,%ahksecret%
- send,{enter}
- winwaitclose, Steam - Working
- send,{enter}
- send,{enter}
- exitapp

Steam Account Creator
Jan 15, 2018 - Mar 15, 2014 (autohotkey) steam account creator macro script thing - Team. And links you can use to get started with making a Steam bot. Oct 09, 2012 Account Creator Extreme is a program I create to automate account creation for different game websites, this program fills in everybox for you except the captcha and even has cool features such as autofill on startup and automatic restart after account creation as well as a history system for all your account details.