Bridgeville Dmv Driving Test Route

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Apr 25, 2015 - When I did my test, the lady told me to drive down a small hill and park. I pulled up to the curb, put it in park and looked at her. Then i heard her. Photo of Driver's License Center - Bridgeville, PA, United States by Larissa G. Ask the Community Yelp users haven’t asked any questions yet about Driver's License Center.

Tips for a perfect drivers license road test in 1025 Washington Pike (Route 50):

If you go to take your driver's test chances are that, if your a car Enthusiast, this is one of the most exciting days of your life and even if you're not it opens up a world of possibilities for traveling and do things you never could have done before. If you follow these few simple tips you'll be well on your way and you'll pass it with flying colors.

Watch out your mirrors

Before leaving the parking lot and getting out on the road is important to adjust your mirrors, your seat position, steering wheel position and of course fasten your seatbelt.

Proper 9 and 3 hand position

It's important to keep both hands on the steering wheel at all times. Of course if you have a manual transmission vehicle you have to take one hand off the ship, but this will keep your test administrator feeling safe and you will be in the most control of your vehicle. Proper hand position is at 9 and 3, and i guarantee if you drive one-handed at the 12 position you're going to fail your test.

When changing lanes

When changing lanes is important to do the following: First Signal, then look in your rearview mirror all by your side mirror, look over your shoulder, and if is safe, then you can go. Once you're in the lane that you're moving into all the way, then you can turn your turn indicator.

Always signal if you're changing lanes no matter if there's no traffic around you, is important to check both mirrors, look over your shoulder and use your turn signal.

Multiple lanes changing

If you're going over multiple Lanes always go from one lane to the next, pause for a little bit of time, then turn your turning indicator on, look at both mirrors over shoulder, go to the next line, pause and then go to the next. Shooting over across 4 Lanes of traffic is a good way to fail the test.

Onto a street with a high speed limit

Always give yourself plenty of time when pulling out onto a street with a high speed limit. It will not annoy the person providing your test if you wait there until it's safe. If you pull out in front of a car that is moving quickly and do not give yourself enough room you're going to lose points. Waiting until there's plenty of space, more so than you think you would need normally, it is the safe way to do it.

Fear to one side of the lane

Often beginner drivers tend of fear to one side of the lane or the other. On a single Lane road that means you might been too close to the double yellow or too close to the shoulder. To prevent that there is a technique that some people used that is helpful when you're learning , is to look farther ahead in the road and try to imagine the center of the road, picture a line in the center of the lane you're in passing through the center of your vehicle. This helps keep you in the center of your lane which is important for succeeding at the driver's test.

Concord Dmv Driving Test Route

Stop or red light

When you´re coming to a stop sign or an stop or red light is really important to stop before the white line in the road. That mean, when you're coming to a full stop, you should still be able to see the white line in front of the hood of your car. Then, if it's a blind turn, once you come to a full start, now you can start creeping out a little bit further and further so you can see the flow of traffic and make your right or left turn.

Always use a safe following distance between yourself and the car in front of you. The higher the speed limit is, the more the following distance between cars. That is because, if the person in front of you breaks all the sudden, you want to give yourself enough time to react.

Braking tips

Also, before you break, always check your rearview mirror. If you come onto a stop abruptly and there's a car right behind you, they could run into you. Obviously if it's an emergency situation this isn't always possible, but in the ideal case always check your mirror before braking.

Keep constantly scanning the road

Always keep your eyes constantly scanning the road for pedestrian, any obstacles or turns that are coming up. That means checking your mirrors constantly: Your rearview mirror, your side mirrors, looking over your shoulder. Being attentive and showing that you're paying attention is going to make a great impression to pass your road test.

Cut corners

When making protective left turns people often cut corners. Passing over a double yellow or a white line is a great way to fail your driver's test so make sure to take it wide enough, stay in the guidelines when you're making left turns and not cut any corners.

Make smooth movements

Always be as smooth as possible. It means smooth braking, smooth steering inputs, smooth acceleration, etc. Being jerky is not going to go well.

Dont be aggressive

Drive defensively not aggressively. This day is about proving that you are a safe driver.

Check the speed limit

Don't speed. This is very important. In general people are used to going 5 miles an hour over the speed limit or so when driving in a daily situation but for the test you cannot do that. Speed limit or below is required.

Also having a radar detector in your car for the test probably won't leave a very good first impression.

Pre-drive test checklist:

The DMV wants to make sure that you are proficient with all the controls on the inside the car before you start your test.

Here's a sample of the pre Drive checklist:

  • The DMV will tell you to turn the car on, but don't start it.
  • Turn the turn signal on to the left and then the right.
  • Turn the headlights on and off.
  • Turn the windshield wipers on and off.
  • Turn on the emergency flashers in the morning.
  • The examiner may ask you, if you come out in the morning and there's frost on your front window, how do you defrost your front window? You selected froster, turn the fan on and select the “Heat”.
  • Any other examiner will ask you to show them your defrosters: Where are they located?
  • The examiner will then ask you to disengage the emergency parking brake and then, engage the emergency parking brake.
  • They make ask you to honk the horn.

DMV’s Goal

One of the Department of Motor Vehicles (DMV) major goals is keeping all drivers licensed for as long as it is safe to do so, as well as enhancing highway safety by increasing driver competency. DMV recognizes that the independence and mobility that driving provides are important factors in the quality of life for most Californians.

What to Expect

You can expect to be treated with respect, fairness, and courtesy during the entire examination process. If you are not treated in this manner, please contact the office manager.

DMV Wants You to Pass

Many people take their driving test when they have not sufficiently prepared, practiced enough, or practiced the right way. Others get very nervous because they don’t know what to expect. The DMV examiner will ride with you only to make sure that you can drive safely and obey traffic laws.
Your driving test will last about 20 minutes. The test consists of basic actions you will encounter while driving, such as:

  • Left and right turns.
  • Stops at controlled and uncontrolled intersections.
  • Straight line backing.
  • Lane changes.
  • Driving in regular street traffic.
  • Driving on the freeway (if required).

DMV wants you to pass your driving test. Study this pamphlet as well as the California Driver Handbook. Relax and do your best.

Who Takes a Driving Test?

You will take a driving test if you have: Speaker box cad programs.

  • Never been licensed in California or any other state or you hold a driver license (DL) from a foreign country.
  • A vision-related problem.
  • A limited term DL for specified physical and mental (P & M) conditions.
  • A physical condition (except corrective lenses) for which DMV imposes a restriction or you have a restriction on your DL and request the restriction be removed.
  • An out-of-state junior, provisional, or probationary DL.
  • Been licensed out-of-state but do not have the DL to surrender. Driving tests for DL renewals or holders of out-of-state or U.S. territory DLs are normally waived, if the DL is presented.

However, DMV may require a driving test at any time.

Are All Driving Tests the Same?

The driving test for the noncommercial (basic) DL Class C is the same for all drivers regardless of age. I am kurious oranj. An adult driver takes the same type of driving test as a teen driver. A driver with a physical and/or mental condition may take a different version of the driving test containing additional test elements.

Preparing for Your Driving Test

  • Get enough practice. Some drivers need more practice than others. Minors (under 18 years old) must complete 50 hours of behind-the-wheel training (10 hours must be night driving) before taking a driving test. When you practice, pretend you are taking a driving test. Ask your accompanying driver to calmly point out your mistakes. Ask questions about particular driving situations that may have confused you. Correct your mistakes. The next time you practice, try to correct any driving errors you made the time before. The DMV examiner is there to ensure you have demonstrated that you can handle your vehicle in regular traffic situations, not to trick you. During your driving test, the examiner will note how you obey the rules of the road and traffic signs and/or signals. They will note other areas in which you may need improvement.
  • Safe driving tips. Practice these tips to improve your driving skills:
    • Steer smoothly at all times.
    • Accelerate smoothly. Don’t rev the engine or make it stall.
    • Stop the vehicle gently. Start braking well ahead of where you must stop to avoid sudden movement. Know where to stop. Be aware of crosswalks. If your view is blocked at a crosswalk, move forward carefully and look both ways before entering the intersection.
    • Be sure your vehicle is in the correct gear. Don’t grind the gears. Don’t coast to a stop.
    • Always obey the posted speed limits. If needed, reduce your speed to adjust for existing weather, road, and other traffic conditions. Remember to turn on your headlights if you need to use your windshield wipers in poor weather conditions.
    • Follow at a safe distance. Use the 3 second rule. Increase your following distance in bad weather or poor visibility.
    • Know what the traffic signals mean and obey them at all times.
    • Always use the proper lane. Turn from the correct lane into the correct lane.
    • Signal for all lane changes and turns.
    • Always look for potential hazards (scan), and check your mirrors frequently. Always look over the proper shoulder before making lane changes or pulling away from the curb.
    • Drive defensively. Anticipate another driver’s errors.

If you are unsure about your driving skills, review the following DMV tools: Parent-Teen Training Guide, Senior Guide for Safe Driving, California Driver Handbook and the streaming videos available online at These tools provide detailed instructions on how to correctly perform the driving actions required on a driving test, as well as the laws and rules of the road and safe driving practices.

Other Test Information

For your safety, ask the examiner to show you their DMV identification (ID) badge before the test begins. Pets or passengers, other than the examiner or other authorized personnel, are not permitted during your driving test. If you have any questions, ask the examiner before your driving test begins. During the test, the examiner will ask you questions and give you directions but they will not engage in general conversation.

Test Vehicle Requirements

The vehicle you use for your driving test must be safe to drive. Before the test, the examiner checks for:

Ny dmv road test
  • 2 license plates. The rear plate must show current registration.
  • Functioning front and back turn signals and brake lights.
  • A working horn designed for the vehicle.
  • Tires with no bald spots.
  • Adequate brake pressure (you will be asked to step on the brake pedal to see if it works properly).
  • A driver’s side window that rolls down.
  • A windshield that allows a full unobstructed field of view for you and the examiner.
  • 2 rear view mirrors (1 must be on the outside, to the driver’s left) outside, to the driver’s left).
  • Driver and front passenger doors that open from both the inside and outside.
  • A glovebox which is securely closed.
  • A passenger seat permanently attached to the vehicle.
  • Working safety belts, if the vehicle was manufactured with safety belts.
  • Working emergency/parking brake.

Dmv Driving Test Routes

Financial Responsibility

You must show that your vehicle is properly insured before the driving test begins (or the test will be postponed) by providing one of the following:

  • A document with a liability insurance policy or surety bond number.
  • An assigned risk insurance card with the name of the assigned insurance company, file number, and current coverage dates.
  • A current insurance binder or copy of an insurance policy signed or countersigned by an insurance company representative.
  • A rental car contract (the driver must be listed on the contract as the insured).
  • A DMV-issued certificate of self-insurance or acknowledgment of cash deposit.
  • A written confirmation from the insurer that the person is insured.

After Your Driving Test

Your DL means you have met the driving test requirements. However, in everyday driving you will have to deal with many situations you did not encounter on your driving test. The best way to deal with unexpected situations is to always use the same safe driving habits and responsible attitude you demonstrated on your driving test.


Safe Driver Checklist

Before Starting the Vehicle:

  • Adjust the mirrors and seat.
  • Fasten the safety belt.
  • Know where the operating controls are located.

Starting the Vehicle:

  • Vehicle is in “Park” or “Neutral”.
  • Foot is on the brake pedal.
  • Start the vehicle smoothly.

Moving Forward:

  • Signal.
  • Look over your shoulder before pulling into traffic.


  • Stop when necessary, behind crosswalk, or limit line.


  • Signal and slow for turns.
  • Begin and end turns in the correct lane.
  • Yield the right-of-way, when necessary.
  • Accept the legal right-of-way when safe.
  • See and react to hazards.


  • Before moving, survey your surroundings for possible obstacles.
  • Check the mirrors and look quickly to the side while backing.
  • Look over your right shoulder when backing.

Changing Lanes:

  • Signal.
  • Check the mirrors.
  • Check over your shoulder.
  • Change lanes safely.

Driving On The Freeway:

  • Check the traffic flow.
  • Time your entry onto the freeway.
  • Check the mirrors and over your shoulder when accelerating into a gap in traffic.
  • Signal early and slow to the posted speed on the exit ramp.
  • Adjust your speed to the road conditions.

Defensive Driving Techniques:

  • Check the mirrors frequently and before braking.
  • Check the cross streets before entering an intersection.
  • Check the signal lights and signs.
  • Keep your eyes “moving” (watch the sides and middle of the road).
  • Allow plenty of room around the vehicle.
  • Follow at a safe distance.

FFDL 22 (REV 8/2017)